Thursday, April 28, 2011

Would you pray for me to have true peace & joy?
When Sarah got married, I kept thinking "should I laugh or cry?" And really except for one time, I laughed my way through.
But Rachel, this has been very different- I guess because I have not been involved?
I feel like everything is making me cry. =( I can't wait for this week to be over and for next week to be here! ( poor mother...has really been a saint...)
Click here for Wedding Photos...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I am happy...and thankful~

I am thankful that Dad has a job, and I have a full belly. My belly is full, and I am not hungry. And I am happy that I am 3 months into this diet.

I am so happy for Rachel- happy she has a good & Godly man and a career all in the same year. I love Rachel so...I am happy that God is blessing her in so many ways- she is such a sweet sister, obedient daughter, and dear friend to all she meets- no matter how young or old.

I am happy for her. I pray that Rachel & Jack will live "happily~ever~after", that they will raise many sweet Christian children. That they will lead by example, and be shining witnesses for Christ in their everyday walk. That no one ever need doubt them.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am tired.

I am so tired of this GAPS diet. I can't really see any changes for the better.

Starting at the end of December (and for about 1 & 1/2 months), I was doing a Candida diet, and I could see a lot of changes. Things like a lot more energy, much less joint pain, easier cycle, much less depression, & some detoxing!

Then I switched to the GAPS diet, and for the most part those good side effects have continued on. But I don't think that I have the same energy, or at least it's not increasing, and I am no longer detoxing. (The things that I was doing for detoxing and not allowed on GAPS- I have no idea why not...)

The sad thing: for whatever reason, I have stopped digesting eggs. For a (long) while I was not digesting them properly, so I would avoid them, but then they are required on this GAPS diet, and I was eating them every day, and digesting them fine! =) But not any more. =(

The only new & good side effect I have seen is weight loss. I am not sure how much- somewhere between 10 and 18LBs I think. Don't worry, I do not look like a concentration camp kid- I lost the fat from places that needed to loose it. (I was not trying to loose anything- it just happened. I was eating good food every 2 hours or so- LOTS of good fats.)

Also at the beginning of my new diet regimen, I began skin brushing 2 times a day, and some easy exercises/stretches every morning.

But still, I am tired-

I am tired of eating the funny food. But I guess that the food is not so funny- how I have to prepare it is. I am soooo tired of boiled-to-death vegetables. I am a very bad girl and eat raw green beans, peas, carrots, and radishes from time to time.
I sneak nuts. Nibbles of meat that is not prepared properly.

I am tired of being tired.

I am tired of melting down, and driving Mom crazy.

I am tired of not being diligent, or driven to do my daily tasks.

I am tired of being a strange selfish kind of girl, who feels trapped- a strange kid who wants to be an adult, but does not know how to make the change.

I am tired of being awkward.

I know that true beauty comes from within- but I don't feel very good inside right now.

I am tired of being an unhelpful not very good daughter.

Tired of being left behind...I need a niche in life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

GAPS "cake" variation #2

(this is a variation on the GAPS Guide page # 142 and the Gut & Psychology Syndrome page # 150 recipes. I think that you could also make this into pancakes. Fry them in a lot of good fat!)

I call it "cake" because it sounds like more fun that is really like an oven pancake. The cake in the photo above, is slightly overcooked.

The Cake:
12 - 13 oz cooked Butternut squash or pureed carrots (I had to add a bit of water to thin the carrots)

4 -5 oz of sprouted or soaked nut butter*

3 whole eggs

2 egg whites

1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon salt

4 oz fat melted (ghee, coconut oil, tallow, etc. or combination)

Optional: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of honey.

Mix until fairly smooth, and a porridge-like consistency,

and pour into a very well greased 8 X8 pan- I used about 1/16th to 1/8th inch thick ghee.

Bake in a 300 oven, for 45- 60 mins, or till a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.

I cut them into 9 servings. After refrigeration, it is very portable!

Serving suggestion:

1. Top with a lot of good coconut oil & sprinkle with cinnamon.

2. Place a piece of cake in bowl, topped with kefir and cinnamon! You could mix an egg yolk with the kefir.

3. Top with ghee, and sprinkle with cinnamon.

~Happy eating!


Pumpkin seed "nut-butter". We divide it all out, and freeze it in recipe size portions.

* soaked pumpkin seeds (as per Nourishing Tradition directions -about 24 hours) then processed in food processor until smooth, added coconut oil and ghee to make it the right "nut butter consistency".

Monday, April 18, 2011

Our weekend in Austin....April 15th-17th, 2011

Friday afternoon:

My peace rally: "Texas Rally for Peace"
The purpose of this rally was to promote (or raise awareness of) the following:
-Support the Troops- bring them home!
-Unjust War
-Your Tax $ = Foreign Aid = Military Industry = Death and Destruction
-A Non-interventionist Foreign Policy
-Anti War

This is my Pro-Life Shirt: the front says:
"Would it bother us more if they used guns?".
And the back says:
"IRAQ: one million killed, 5 million refugees doesn't that bother you?".
Me Mum.
Thank you Mom for helping me to do this, and for getting us to Austin!
Some of the kids...
...the guy in the middle is Norman, and he has this site:
Michael Boldin, Bryce Shonka, Sarah Rosa and I! =)
Some more of us!
Mom says that we had 20-25 people, and I thought it was between 25-30...
...either way it was a really good turn out I thought.
Thank you all for coming out, I am sorry that I did not meet you all!
I hope that I have inspired you to organize your own rallies! =)

Funny thing: Rob Love came over to me and in a "I'm talking to the little kid" voice said "So- what brings you out today?" I did not laugh, and I answered "Well, because I organized the event, I thought I should be here!" (He was kind of surprised, and more surprised to hear that we actually live about 5 hours away.)
I was sorry that no one from IVAW or Codepink came.
(Molly Reynolds took this photo. Thank you Molly!)

The After Party @ hopdoddy:
They have really good food and drinks. Fresh food! Quality meat!
Homemade sauces! Good prices!=) Fluoride & Chlorine free water too!!!!

I unfortunately, had to pack my food in. =(
Sarah REALLY liked the restaurant...she ate there at least 2 nights in a row!
Michael ("I'm not posing") and Jason Rink.
Jason's site:
Norman again....
...and Mom!
Jason tasting Sarah's Cucumber Martini(?)
I think that that was what it was...
Antonio happened to come into hopdoddy's, and he joined us at our table.
We had fun- he is trying to create a business/job around counseling/helping parents with homeschooling.
Every time we go to Austin, we drive past this cute little man- he turns around & around! =)
Did I say that he is cute?! =)
Saturday: nullifynow! (It was cold in the morning.)

Our outdoor booth at nullifynow! I did not get to hear any of the speakers. =(
Michael Boldin & Debra Medina.

The After Party @ the "Dog and Duck":
Mike, Eddie Allen and Michael.
I love the look on Sarah's face!
Michael was VERY hungry...poor guy...
(Why was Eddie's finger in Michael's ear?!?)
Looking at the photo that I would really like to have a copy of...
PLEASE Sarah?!?!?!
I love how you could put any kind of "cartoon bubble" over almost any photo of Michael!
Michael is a lot like my little brother Benjamin & Uncle Matt...GBG!

Sunday morning fun:

Hi Michael!
Michael is teaching Sarah a new stance....
...and now it's Michael's turn!
Sarah was a great shot! =)
Mom and Michael Badnarik.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell
Mom & Me!
My first time shooting live ammo handgun* (I shot 2 rounds), and first real lesson, and first time shooting indoors. That gun was heavy... I was surprised that I was as good as I was...but then I used to be a better shot than my brothers. Michael Badnarik was the teacher.

The revolver was a 38 special, and it was a rental. The target was about 10ft. away.
Michael says that you have to get good with the target closer, and then start moving it back. We were just having a very quick getting started lesson, mostly stance. I kept leaning back...I guess I was trying to get away from the noise! LOL!
Back: Eddie, Mom, Me, Michael.
Front: Michael, Sarah & Robert.

*I have shot a shotgun 2 times in my life, but never intending to hit anything. (although I did end up bring down 3 Blackbirds in one shot)

Monday, April 04, 2011

FYI: Patience


1.the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.

3.quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

4.Cards (chiefly British ) . solitaire ( def. 1 ) .

5.Also called patience dock . a European dock, Rumex patientia, of the buckwheat family, whose leaves are often used as a vegetable.

6.Obsolete . leave; permission; sufference.


1175–1225; Middle English pacience < Old French < Latin patientia. See patient, -ence

—Related forms

su·per·pa·tience, noun


1. composure, stability, self-possession; submissiveness, sufferance. Patience, endurance, fortitude, stoicism imply qualities of calmness, stability, and persistent courage in trying circumstances. Patience may denote calm, self-possessed, and unrepining bearing of pain, misfortune, annoyance, or delay; or painstaking and untiring industry or (less often) application in the doing of somehing: to bear afflictions with patience. Endurance denotes the ability to bear exertion, hardship, or suffering (without implication of moral qualities required or shown): Running in a marathon requires great endurance. Fortitude implies not only patience but courage and strength of character in the midst of pain, affliction, or hardship: to show fortitude in adversity. Stoicism is calm fortitude, with such repression of emotion as to seem almost like indifference to pleasure or pain: The American Indians were noted for stoicism under torture. 3. indefatigability, persistence, assiduity.