Monday, August 03, 2009

Shelf paper....

….In the middle of getting up off the floor from cutting!

And then sticking the Hello Kitty sticky shelf paper on the bottom shelf! =)
(it is funny the little things that make you feel domestic and happy)

Just for fun- my shelves…almost filled up. =)

I made a good and fun discovery- - you can get the fancy wrapping paper
(with the cutting grid on the back) on clearance and use it as shelf paper!
Just hold it down with loops of masking tape. Just wonderful! =)

Leftover bits from Mary & Eric’s wedding present…

….leftovers from covering the cake board on my 18th birthday! =)
Sorry that the photo turned out fuzzy. =(


  1. Cute, cute, cute...


  2. Oh I entirely agree with the little things that make one domestic and happy! Very fun!


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