Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A surprise~

When Dad came home for lunch today, he said to my Mom: "I'd like to take Dar-dar* to the quilt shop (in Celeste) today. Would you like to come too?" Mom said no, she'd stay home so we could have a date....
The last time we had a date, was when I took (he drove, I paid for everything) him to Taco Bell for dinner, and then to see the very first Lord of The Rings movie...that was a long time ago!

So, anyway, after lunch we gassed up the car, and drove to the Quilt Shop, found these lovely fabrics, and hit the recycling center & grocery store on the way home! I was going to spend the birthday money he gave me, but dad insisted that he buy- an extra birthday gift! I got a yard each of the cute baby fabrics (they were on clearance), and the other 2 are fat quarters.

They have some lovely retro fabric, some of which I had seen in blog posts and wondered where they got it- now I know: in a quilt shop! Piles of "feed sack" and 40's & 50's FUN stuff! Sigh...'twas lots of fun! Thanks, Dad for your time, and for thinking of taking me! =)

*Way back when Mom read Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women", the boys & I started calling Mom, Mar-me and Dad...I don't remember what exactly, but it was similar and funny. So, Dad invented Dar-dar. =) He also calls me Addy or Mishka, but usually just Adrienne. =)

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