Saturday, August 04, 2012


Do you remember our Frozen Berry-Melon Pops (recipe here)?

We always use:
 Watermelon and Raspberries, and never any Lemon Juice.
But this time I used:
 1 1/4 lb Watermelon 
3/4C. frozen Blueberries
 only 3T. fresh Lemon Juice
1/8t. Stevia
2T or 2 squeezes of Honey
and up to 2T. Xylitol (or Sugar)


They are really good....we take them out of the pop maker, and wrap them individually in plastic wrap.
(Happiness is having 15-20 pops all ready for eating in the freezer!)

~Happy Eating!

   The Popsicle Story:
 In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson left a mixture of powdered soda, water, and a stirring stick in a cup on his porch. It was a cold night, and Epperson awoke the next morning to find a frozen pop. He called it the “Epsicle.” 

It was a hit with his friends at school, and later with his own kids. They constantly called for “Pop’s ‘sicle.” So in 1923, Epperson changed the name and applied for a patent. A couple of years later, Epperson sold the rights to the brand name Popsicle® to the Joe Lowe Company in New York. The rest is history!

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