Sunday, December 02, 2012

I was reading...

...during the sing-song time at Church today.
That was not a new thing for me to do- I actually read during that time almost every time I'm in Church.  I've been slowly but surely (re)reading through the book "Beautiful Girlhood" revised by Karen Andreola (buy it here).

Today I started the second to last chapter, "A few faults discovered", and on pages 199-200 I found the following convicting bit that I would like to share with you.

  (Please keep in mind that this also applies to women, boys, and men.)

    "Another fault is an inordinate love for pretty things. I say "inordinate",  for there is a proper appreciation for those things that are beautiful that is allowable in every one. But she who has too great a love for these things sets great value upon their possession. Pride and vanity follow close in the wake of a love for personal adornment. Money that should go for more necessary things is given for things beautiful. The girl becomes dissatisfied with the home and surroundings as she finds them, developing a deep dislike for what should be dear to her, all because they do not meet her ideal of beauty.
   Such a girl needs to learn to look well to the good that is about her. Where love is real beauty can be found. There is nothing more beautiful than a happy satisfied heart. If your love for pretty things so fills your heart that you cannot see the good that loving hands and hearts would bring to you, then you need to give serious attention to that which is obstructing your vision. 
    There is a spirit of discontent that makes the girl restless and uneasy. Now, I would not have you fully satisfied with things just as they are, so that you do not strive to improve; but that dissatisfaction that keeps a girl fretting about her fate spoils her happiness now and unfits her to appreciate what may be in her future."

I never really thought that I had this problem...I do like pretty things and nice clothes (doesn't everyone?), but I will confess that the things that really bother me are the things I'll probably never have- like a bright, cute Scandinavian house...or a house from the '20's-50's.    Or even pretty kitchen/household stuff. 

This all comes down to discontentment and covetousness.

Exodus 20:17 
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's."


Oh, Father- 
Please forgive me for not being content with the many wonderful things that you have given to me- that my life holds. Please forgive me for not trusting you to always care for me- I know that your word says "...I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." 
And "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."

Thank you Lord, for your loving care and grace, and for showing me the error of my ways.
 For your will I pray, in Jesus' name, Amen.

(Psalm 37:25b & Luke 12:6-7)


  1. What a great post, Adrienne! What are our priorites? Are we really content? Questions we need to ask ourselves. Thanks again!

  2. I think if we are honest we all struggle with this to some extent at some point about some thing! =)

    Give thanks in All things for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus....

    Your "dear sweet mamma"!

  3. What a great post, Adrienne! What are our priorites? Are we really content? Questions we need to ask ourselves. Thanks again!

  4. Appreciated the thoughts.

    Mrs. Schatte

  5. Thanks... :) That was something I really needed to read! And, Adrienne, you're not alone in this. --I struggle with this as well. I will be praying for you!! :)

  6. Adrienne,
    This is so true! Thank you for reminding us all of this. I remember what David in the Scripture asked of the Lord—Let me not have too much, where I forget You, and let me not have too little, where I might steal and dishonor You———just provide what I truly need! And Paul, saying that in _whatever_ state he was, that he learned to be content.

  7. Very good issue to look at closely. When we are "putting" value on things, or people because of looks, we are apart from God. He is the One to put all value on all things. It is all His. There we find true contentment and true freedom. He came to set us free and we need to be free indeed and stop indulging in self-centered-ness: what do I like? What do I think? What do I want, etc. It truly is wasteful bondage.


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