Friday, April 05, 2013

"a few peanut butter cookies"

I was going to go play Soccer with the church kids tomorrow (something that I had not done in like 10 years), I was also going to bring "a few peanut butter cookies"...but the way things worked out, I'm not going to be able to play, but I still wanted to try and earn some "brownie points", so I'm just going to pop over with the cookies, say hi, and leave....I ended up making 53 M&M cookies as well as the 68 Peanut Butter, so there will be plenty for all!  =)  Happy sigh!  =)


  1. Thank you for making the cookies Adrienne!! They were yummy! :)

    love from the Davis's

  2. They were good, Adrienne! Thank you so much! We'll have to do it again so you can play. I don't think I've ever played soccer with you before!


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