Saturday, March 29, 2014


There are many reasons to mix or cut your butter...Because you don't want to consume that much butter, because you can't/don't feel like you can afford to eat as much butter as you would like, because "eating butter is bad for you" (what a joke) or because you want to get more good oils in your diet, and you can't possibly eat THAT much homemade salad dressing! 

Whatever your reason, mixing your butter is a good idea, and I think that you should think about doing it.  It's more spreadable, too!

 1 lb. Salted Butter (the best you can afford!)
1 tea. Salt (or more)
8-10 oz Oil  (Rice Bran, Olive, Grape Seed, Coconut, etc....we like a combination)
It's also a good idea to wear an apron.

  1) Soften (not melt) your butter...I know, sometimes easier said than done.....

2) Pre-mix the butter BEFORE you add the oil- sorry, no picture.

3) You can measure your oil, but I prefer to weigh it because it means one less greasy dish, and is not so wasteful.  

4) Add your salt.

   ~> Please note: it is best to pre-mix the butter BEFORE you add the oil...if you mix it the    way I show in the picture, it is very likely that you will splatter oil all over.
 Yes...ALL over...even if you are very careful. =)

See the bowl on the left? That Butter was melted. 
See the bowl on the right? That Butter was softened.

5) Add your oil, mix and use a rubber spatula to get all the butter into glass bowls that have Pyrex, Anchor Hocking, etc...carefully place in the fridge where any family or visitors will not grab them before they harden!

6) Eat it up yum!    (on muffins, breads, cookies, brownies, dried fruit, pretzels, potato chips, veggies, in soups or eggs....okay, okay, so you get the point!  =)

~Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Yes, eat it up yum! Using Kerry Gold Irish butter is best! Did I say, YUM! ????

    When you were little I stretched it with buttermilk and oil. A recipe from a Cheaper and Better make your own products cookbook. It was good, too!


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