Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Whatever Wednesday: Homemade Bias Tape

I confess that I really don't like making my own bias tape, I tend to burn my fingers, and I find it tedious...
.....but I LOVE homemade bias tape because you can have the prettiest bias tape around, it makes me smile, you can use up scraps of fabric that you did not want to get rid of, yet were unsure what to do with them.  And it really does not take that long to make.  =)

This bias tape was more than enough to do the waists of the new denim skirts that I just made for Mom & I.

We are getting geared up for SONP!   (Summer Of No Pants)

New this year: you don't have to sew! 
Yup, that's right- you can participate in other ways.....Go HERE to find out how! =) 

Oh, and remember: You don't have to have a blog in order to participate....
....just a "Google+ account"!  Please join us!



  1. I like it when you make the bias tape, it makes the garment that much more special! and CUTE!


  2. Anonymous20 June, 2014

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