Saturday, July 19, 2014

Summer Of No Pants 2014, post #3

~New Skirt~   

I took the photos above & on the lower left, hoping that you could see that I cut the right side on the fold line (strait grain), and the left side is "on the bias" and has the only seam in the skirt (with the zipper's).  I love the way it looks to have one side strait and the other on the bias- it works best with a heavy fabric- it's not so good with a light calico.     (And the photo on the right shows my fun homemade bias tape.)

(We bought a whole bolt of this lovely denim at Jo-Ann, 'cause we had a 60% off regular price coupon!)

This is my "I feel silly posing for photos..." & "A camera never can capture this skirt, so people never can see what it's really like..." face.  =)

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