Monday, February 02, 2015

Monday Movie: Tuesdays With Morrie

All Saturday evening/night I was grieving Grandma Hale, and feeling useless.

Part of my grief was just dealing with something "new":  the Hales invited us over for Sunday Lunch, and I was having to deal with the thoughts and feelings that came with it.  This was a first.  My brain said "NO!" ..."I sit with Grandma so that the Hales can have other people over for lunch...that's what I do- it is one of the things that makes me useful...the McKee family going over for Sunday Lunch is just not "right"."  Sigh.

 I know that she's in a MUCH better place, with no more tears, no more pain, with long lost loved ones- Grandpa Pete, her folks, her siblings, her friends.  And yes, this knowledge makes me very happy.

So, Saturday night Mom, Dad & I watched "Tuesdays With Morrie".  Mom and I watched it a LONG time ago, we tried to get Dad to watch it when his folks were going down hill, but he would was probably just as well...we enjoyed it together, and cried through it and afterward.   We have so much to learn...I have so much to learn.  Lots of growing to do.   Maybe I should read the book.

The movie is embedded below, or you can watch it HERE.


  1. Everyone should watch this's about so much more than dealing with death and's about conquering your fears so you can really live....there are lots of good lessons and things to think about. Well worth watching....

  2. It is hard losing someone you are close to even if they are in a better place. No matter what we miss them! I would watch the movie, but I think hubby would have a hard time. He hates sad movies. His dad is 89 and still doing quite well. We dread the day he passes. I've lost both my parents, and miss them a great deal!


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