Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Movie: "I'll be seeing you" (1944)

I really like this movie~ it's not your everyday war time movie~ it's not all glamor and flag deals with real like things like PTSD.    We all have baggage, we all have our prisons and it takes love to heal, redeem & restore.

 I read about this movie years ago in Daedalus Books, but just got to watch it for the first time with Grandma Hale last year.

 I'll admit it- I am a little bit of a Joseph Cotton fan--I've seen 4 of his movies, and love 3 of them!
("Since You Went Away", "The Farmer's Daughter" and "I'll be seeing you")

I would suggest you watch it soon, as YouTube may take it off. (That seems to be what happens- it I like it, it gets removed!)
 Watch the movie HERE on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. It was good....thanks for watching it with me last night!

    love you,


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