Saturday, July 09, 2016

Summer Of No Pants 2016*: Post 2

This Summer, I need some town/work/house that's what a lot of my sewing will be =)

 ~My go-to pattern, the retired Simplicity #8071 is my FAVORITE pattern. It's easy, and it has no darts or seams in the bodice!  =)
~I fully lined the bodice- the fabric is so thin and cool- it's not too warm.
~The fabric came from our friend Gay, and the Zipper from the Teague/Gann collection! =)  Thanks again ladies for giving them to me!

Yes, I love this dress- the fabric is light and pretty, and the pattern does not rub.   I wonder how/where I could get more light, woven cottons...????

*SONP not is officially happening this year, but I like to sew, and wear cute dresses & skirts anyway, so I'll just do my own thing....(Summer of No Pants is a Google+ group, and anyone can join & post at anytime.)

1 comment:

  1. That is SUCH a cute dress! It is so hard to find really great fabric like that...
    Love, Beth


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