Sunday, March 11, 2018

Daffodils and me...

...go way back...and I'm happy to report that my main Daffodil beds had not the 27 flowers I thought that they would have this year, but 32!!!  I am quite happy.  =)   (I brought 14 of them inside for a nice big vase full, made me feel quite frivolous and elegant.)

Did you know:
1) There are Daffodil Festivals? Old one HERE  or new one HERE.
2) Daffodils came to the Puyallup Valley around 1925 to replace the area’s dying hop industry. 
3) Daffodils are from Spain and Portugal.
4) 1955 was the beginning of: "The American Daffodil Society" (info about daffodils here)
5) Gloucester County, Virginia held the title "Daffodil Capital of America" in the 1930s and 40s.
6) DO NOT eat daffodils. They are toxic/poisonous. (HERE)

Joshua & me  at Papa & Grandma's in spring 1988...we were allowed to have 2 each.

Language of flowers~ Daffodil: Regard, Unequaled Love, You're the Only One, The Sun is Always Shining When I'm with You

Mom and me in March 1988 at Papa and Grandma's house.

"Mount Rainier forms a backdrop for daffodil fields of the Puyallup Valley" ~1944
Click HERE for more Vintage Daffodil Postcard fun!
Hundreds of acres of bulbs in the valley around Mt. Rainier....


  1. Cindy Welborn12 March, 2018

    I enjoyed reading this. You write a good blog. I love daffodils. Made me smile today.

  2. What a cute (and informative) post.

  3. We had happy times together at our house in Abilene. Loved seeing the old photos. Grandma


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