Thursday, April 05, 2018

Fabric shopping

I'm getting my order for Whittle's Fabrics I really need more fabric...
...but you see, Whittle's has flat-rate shipping and they also have great prices on quality fabrics that you just can't buy (outside of an expensive quilting shop) 
((check out their collection of Riley Blake- here))

My plan is that this new fabric will inspire me to clean up the sewing room and SEW!

.....hmmmm...maybe not the best plan, maybe I should clean first, and then maybe buy fabric....maybe. 

But, that would not be nearly so much fun now would it???  

On another note- how do you like these Fabric Advertisements?????
Even if I lived back in the day, I can see (from looking at the prices) that I'd have been buying the cottons and not the silks and rayons!

So next time you want some pretty cotton, give Whittle's Fabrics a try!
(read my pros and cons about Whittle's HERE)

(I'll share this post on "Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson")

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love vintage advertising! These ads are just so colorful and fun. Love them!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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