Saturday, October 19, 2019

Shopping with friends

First stop, Caitlyn helped me pick out my new sweater/jacket, and held my purse while I tried it on. (she LOVED that BTW)  Next store she picked out the pink bangle, and oh, the decisions that go into picking a balloon!!!  Should she get the one with puppy dogs or cute baby animals????  Perhaps the one that was shaped like a butterfly???   Happy face "stickers" won!  =)

 "Happiness is... when your friend buys you a bracelet and a happy face balloon even though it’s not your birthday. Thank you, Adrienne. You made her day!!" 

~~~~~  Deborah: it was fun, I'm glad that I was able to go along!  =)  ~~~~~

1 comment:

  1. Awww! It’s my cutie! 😍. We enjoyed having you with us!


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