Monday, July 09, 2012

Ladies & Gentlemen...

...we have a winner for my very first Giveaway!  =)

 ....Congratulations Dorothy, over at  the "...Goodbye, Yellowbrick Road!" blog!  
Please contact me by Friday night, at threemckees (at) gmail (dot) com, so I can mail your package to you!

I know that I told you that I would have my unbiased neighbor, Ruth, do the drawing for me, but instead I used another unbiased friend (and neighbor) ~ Sarah!  =)   Thank you Sarah!

 How we did it: 4 double tickets....

...I wrote the names on the backside of the " Keep this coupon", and I left those in the house...

 ...Sarah drew out on The Mound (the deck by the pond), so even I did not know who won until later when I went inside!

Thanks friends~ my Followers increased 20%! (I now have 10!)  See you around! =)

(...more giveaways are coming!)

1 comment:

I would LOVE to hear from you! Please don't be anonymous~ Thank you! =)