Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Summer Of No Pants 2020 (post 1)

Ahhh~ it's that time of year again!

I sewed this dress back in January, and wrote the post too- explaining, what to watch out for...and notes that I wanted for if/when I was going to sew this new pattern again.  But  Sadly, when Google Blogger updated to the NEW format (which is NOT very good, IMHO), it ate this post.  Every word.  Sad sigh.

It is a cotton from my stash "LuLu Lane Moda Floral Meadow Wispy Spring Flowers and Buds Fabric on Aqua Blue"

*SONP not is officially happening this year, but I like to sew, and wear cute dresses & skirts anyway, so I'll just do my own thing....

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Really love the fabric! I've already made 2 new dresses for summer, I would have had a third but I messed up the pattern too bad for it to be wearable.