Monday, July 01, 2024

Ass and Cart

The Ass ran away from the Cart. After years of kicking he was finally "free", and told everyone the Cart ran away from him.

The Flying Monkeys led the Ass back to the Cart, put the Ass BEHIND the Cart and told the Cart it was at fault, that it must have been a bad Cart, and it needed to get the act together and the show back on the road...
..never mind that THEY put the Ass behind the Cart, and never mind the fact that by running away the Ass told the Cart after ALL these years "of pretending to be equally yoked and pulling along nicely" he was done, he was content to kick the old Cart to pieces, and all The Flying Monkeys even held "How To" classes for the Ass: "I'm a Brand New Ass", "Cart pulling for Beginners", and "Cart Pulling 101", oh, and let's not forget: "How to Kick the Cart One More Time".  BUT they said, remember whatever you do NEVER ask forgiveness, NEVER confess what you did. 
And if you can't stand it any longer, you can slander & lie as much as you like- WE the good little church goers and Elders, Judge- ALL have your back, ALL rooted for you to evict your family, and leave them friend-less, penny-less, home-less and car-less!  WE the whole County LOVE the smell of blood, are relieved to run your family out of town on a rail.
(A "friend" or better know as a "frenemy" was chiding me in my last weeks: "How was I spending my time, etc...WHY that way???  Etc..."  My mind reply: Excuse me???  What business is it of yours? (I know you don't care), Besides- why should I pack?  I have no where to go, I did have 3 -2 week offers, but they expired, and I KNOW they did not really want me- they were just offered out of obligation.)
 (this was originally written August 2020...I just found it, and posted it)

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