Sunday, September 22, 2024

Guest Post by Mom: Bloom Where You are Planted

I felt it was time for an update.....we are well....most importantly....

No, we haven't yet come out on the "other side" of all this....but I do have faith that we are closer to the end than the beginning....we take things one day at a time as we rebuild our lives....and do our best to shine where God has placed us....

We are grateful for the love and prayers of God's people....and are learning to be grateful for the curses and abuses that we endured throughout our lives....learning that EVERYTHING has a purpose for our good and His glory....learning it in the most difficult ways imaginable....and trusting that our Heavenly Father has wonderful things in store for make up for the years the locusts have eaten and to bless us above and beyond anything we could ever ask or think...He has already and He continues to do so....

I feel like a butterfly in process of has been an extremely long process...

...still in the raft hanging on as the rapids flow through the the dark, but knowing that GOD HAS THIS ALL UNDER CONTROL...remembering that HE PLANNED IT ALL FOR HIS PURPOSES....and I am SO incredibly humbled to be chosen for this small part of HIS STORY...Yes, it has felt like a dozen or more Bible stories playing out in our lives...snatches from this one and that one...over and is true....we are living epistles and we are a "Bible story"....

I don't have scripture references listed, but those of you who know your Bible surely recognize His Word.

This poem meant a lot to me back in "the old country" during our time of captivity....and it still means a lot...we aren't free yet...yet we sing....

        ...The caged bird sings with a fearful trill,
        of things unknown, but longed for still,
        and his tune is heard on the distant hill,
         for the caged bird sings of freedom....
                    Maya Angelou

Crying tears of joy....'cause we're alive....cradled in Love....

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