Ever since Mom's milestone birthday, back in October, I've been looking for a way to have a party for her. I mean, sure we had a little dinner party at the time, but I (and her friends) wanted her to have a REAL party. I wanted to invite LOTS of ladies, but I also knew that that was NOT practical, and I also knew that she would protest about having a second party....so I had to wait and plot. =)
My waiting paid off, and my opportunity came- permission to have a Valentine Party. Quick! To the computer! Get some invites ready to pass out that very afternoon! =)
Whew! =p
My special Valentine's this year were candles- most folks got the really good kind from Frontier- Organic Palm Wax & 100% Essential Oils (they smelled like Chai). But I did not have enough, so I got a few nice candles from that dread store- Wally World. =)
I gave Mom a cute "vintage" card (the same kind as: these), everyone else had a sparkly pink heart on a rosy round card!
We had Carrot Cake Muffins with cream cheese frosting (half had wheat flour, and the other half were oat & barley), dill pickles, chocolates and a few cookies for dessert!
(recipes can be found HERE)
Mrs. H gave me this cute vintage apron yesterday- isn't it nice! =)
A little video- thanks Molly, for taking it!
I think that Elizabeth has a new friend! =)
(Some of the party-goers....we were 10 in all.)
Remember ladies,
one Chai (Stash brand) tea bag in a small pot,
steep for 5 minutes.
Sweetened with 2T. Sucanat, or 15-20 drops of SweetLeaf brand "vanilla cream" stevia.
(the best place to buy SweetLeaf is Frontier Co-op...talk to my Mom)
I cut red paper hearts and stapled them to paper lunch sacks, added a sticker and the ladies name~ very cute, if I may say so! =)
And to all a good night! Thank you all for coming~
I believe that everyone liked my Valentine Banner! (here)
(P.S. we missed you, Schatte's, Mrs. Bee & Mrs. H!)
Well, I quickly figured out why you were more excited than usual about giving a party! Thank you dearie! I love you bunches, you are my dear, sweet daughter! The trick to pulling off a surprise birthday party? Just do it 3 1/2 months late! =)
I thank everyone for coming! I feel loved!
Debbie (Adrienne's mom!)
We were so sorry we weren't able to make it! It looks like ya'll had fun!
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