Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Whatever Wednesday: "My Three Sons" - Chip's Party

Embedded video today!  Or watch it HERE.

Sometimes we have a party because we want one, sometimes we have a party because our friends want us to have one.

...the lesson we learn here (in this episode), is that we should be gracious, and teach our children to be gracious about parties...and life

Sometimes it makes people very happy to give a friend a party, but when the friend does not really want one, and is ungracious & unkind (probably not meaning to) -- and they may not realize that they have hurt someone by being ungracious.   It makes the party giver want to cry for years after.

Do you like the "My Three Sons" TV show?  I do.  My Three Sons was on the air from 1960 until 1972.

You may recognize some folks:
Fred MacMurray (lots of fun Disney shows)
William Frawley (I love Lucy)
William Demarest (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington)

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