Sunday, October 22, 2017


~The following is from my devotional:

 "...March 9
God has promised to be with you always. When you feel overwhelmed, know that He can give you the strength and peace you need.

Change can bring about feelings of inadequacy and overwhelming uncertainty. But God is with you. Don't think that He doesn't know what you're going through, that He doesn't know the fear in your heart. He is aware of all you're going through and all that is required of you in daily life. And He is your help. He will give you all the wisdom you need to make the right decisions and to fulfill all that you must do. Don't lose sight of the big picture-- His purposes in your life. In every situation in your life, God gives you opportunities to live out your faith in the midst of fear and uncertainty. And He'll give you all that you need to live victoriously in His will.

 Psalm 146:3-5
Proverbs 3:5-6
Isaiah 40:29-31
Jeremiah 29:11
Matthew 11:28-30
James 1:5
(you can look them up here:  )
Heavenly Father, when I feel overwhelmed, assure me through Your Word that You are my help and there is nothing to fear. Strengthen me so that I might bring glory to You in all that I say and do..."

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