Friday afternoon:
My peace rally: "Texas Rally for Peace"
The purpose of this rally was to promote (or raise awareness of) the following:
-Support the Troops- bring them home!
-Unjust War
-Your Tax $ = Foreign Aid = Military Industry = Death and Destruction
-A Non-interventionist Foreign Policy
-Anti War
My peace rally: "Texas Rally for Peace"
The purpose of this rally was to promote (or raise awareness of) the following:
-Support the Troops- bring them home!
-Unjust War
-Your Tax $ = Foreign Aid = Military Industry = Death and Destruction
-A Non-interventionist Foreign Policy
-Anti War

"Would it bother us more if they used guns?".
And the back says:
"IRAQ: one million killed, 5 million refugees doesn't that bother you?".



Mom says that we had 20-25 people, and I thought it was between 25-30...
...either way it was a really good turn out I thought.
Thank you all for coming out, I am sorry that I did not meet you all!
I hope that I have inspired you to organize your own rallies! =)
Funny thing: Rob Love came over to me and in a "I'm talking to the little kid" voice said "So- what brings you out today?" I did not laugh, and I answered "Well, because I organized the event, I thought I should be here!" (He was kind of surprised, and more surprised to hear that we actually live about 5 hours away.)
I was sorry that no one from IVAW or Codepink came.
(Molly Reynolds took this photo. Thank you Molly!)
The After Party @ hopdoddy:
They have really good food and drinks. Fresh food! Quality meat!
Homemade sauces! Good prices!=) Fluoride & Chlorine free water too!!!!

We had fun- he is trying to create a business/job around counseling/helping parents with homeschooling.

Did I say that he is cute?! =)
Saturday: nullifynow! (It was cold in the morning.)
The After Party @ the "Dog and Duck":

PLEASE Sarah?!?!?!

Michael is a lot like my little brother Benjamin & Uncle Matt...GBG!
Sunday morning fun:

The revolver was a 38 special, and it was a rental. The target was about 10ft. away.
Michael says that you have to get good with the target closer, and then start moving it back. We were just having a very quick getting started lesson, mostly stance. I kept leaning back...I guess I was trying to get away from the noise! LOL!
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