“Trust is not a passive state of mind. It is a vigorous act of the soul by which we choose to lay hold on the promises of God and cling to them despite the adversity that at times seeks to overwhelms us.”
- - -Jerry Bridges
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Baking Thursday~ 1930's
Mom found this book years ago at a bookstore while on a date with my brother Benjamin, he may have bought it for her...I don't think that I/we have ever cooked anything out of it. But I thought that you would enjoy seeing some of the things it has in it! =)
(remember, you can click on a photo to bring up the large size & a slideshow)
I baked these yesterday, for a friend who is having dental work done. ....Okay, so I really made them for her family! =)
I doubled the recipe, and the only thing I do differently is that I use almost half & half milk & oil. And sometimes I use quick oats.
This "cooky dropper" is the best invention for making muffins...and the mid-sized one is perfect for mini muffins! =)
They smell like really good waffles....I wonder what changes I would have to make in order to do that? ...the sad thing is that I over mixed and over baked them...I think that they would bounce if dropped! =) But they would be great in a bowl of milk, for "cereal"! =)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I always thought that Jeepers Creepers was a Sesame Street song, lol! Ladies, I give you Artie Shaw in 1939:
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