FYI: This post is like my 275th post,
so that makes my 300th post just around the corner!
In honor of my 300th post I'll be hosting some giveaways, and I (so far) don't mind shipping overseas, assuming that the shipping won't break the bank! =)
Stay tuned!!!!
FYI: This post is like my 275th post,
so that makes my 300th post just around the corner!
In honor of my 300th post I'll be hosting some giveaways, and I (so far) don't mind shipping overseas, assuming that the shipping won't break the bank! =)
Stay tuned!!!!
Green Eggs and Ham came out in 1960!Wikipedia states: "Green Eggs and Ham is a best-selling and critically acclaimed book by Dr. Seuss, first published on August 12, 1960. As of 2001, according to Publishers Weekly, it was the fourth-best-selling English-language children's book (novel) of all time...."
(Of course this was read to us a lot when we were young and we had it memorized.....along with many other fun children's books.)
The Post-Gazett reports: "She looks like a badger, but she acts just like a typical preschooler: Stubborn and delightful, infuriating and entertaining, wily and innocent.
She's Frances, star of six classic picture books written by Russell Hoban. And this year, Frances, who first appeared in "Bedtime for Frances" in 1960, is turning 50...."
(We have several Frances books and mom and dad read them to us, over and over.....)

The Dick Van Dyke Show! (1961-1966)

I love this show! I love ALL of the characters~ Rob & Laura, Milli & Jerry, Buddy & Sally, Richy & Pickles, and Mel, too! I own the entire series. Purchased little by little over the years....
Did you ever wonder what the Petrie's house plan was? I did, so I was happy to find a copy! =)

Did you know that there is a fan club for Laura Petrie? You can find it here. (I am not a member)

A few of my favorite shows~ click the titles to watch them on YouTube:
Episode 01: The Sick Boy and the Sitter
I didn't know that "Green Eggs and Ham" and "Bedtime for Frances" came out in 1960! Those were two of my favorite books growing up. :)
The Dick Van Dyke Show!! Our family is a huge fan of that show {I've seen every episode}! That's so cool that your found the Petri's house plan.
Where on Earth did you get the Petrie floorplan?..and how can I get a nice sharp copy?
Mike Smith
Mike- If you click on the image it should be bigger. I think that I just searched something like "Dick Van Dyke show house plan"...
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