Sunday, September 22, 2024

Guest Post by Mom: Bloom Where You are Planted

I felt it was time for an update.....we are well....most importantly....

No, we haven't yet come out on the "other side" of all this....but I do have faith that we are closer to the end than the beginning....we take things one day at a time as we rebuild our lives....and do our best to shine where God has placed us....

We are grateful for the love and prayers of God's people....and are learning to be grateful for the curses and abuses that we endured throughout our lives....learning that EVERYTHING has a purpose for our good and His glory....learning it in the most difficult ways imaginable....and trusting that our Heavenly Father has wonderful things in store for make up for the years the locusts have eaten and to bless us above and beyond anything we could ever ask or think...He has already and He continues to do so....

I feel like a butterfly in process of has been an extremely long process...

...still in the raft hanging on as the rapids flow through the the dark, but knowing that GOD HAS THIS ALL UNDER CONTROL...remembering that HE PLANNED IT ALL FOR HIS PURPOSES....and I am SO incredibly humbled to be chosen for this small part of HIS STORY...Yes, it has felt like a dozen or more Bible stories playing out in our lives...snatches from this one and that one...over and is true....we are living epistles and we are a "Bible story"....

I don't have scripture references listed, but those of you who know your Bible surely recognize His Word.

This poem meant a lot to me back in "the old country" during our time of captivity....and it still means a lot...we aren't free yet...yet we sing....

        ...The caged bird sings with a fearful trill,
        of things unknown, but longed for still,
        and his tune is heard on the distant hill,
         for the caged bird sings of freedom....
                    Maya Angelou

Crying tears of joy....'cause we're alive....cradled in Love....

Saturday, September 14, 2024

My First Shoofly Pie

 I picked Taste of Home's recipe for a "wet bottom" Shoofly Pie (doesn't that sound great?!)...for no particular reason...they just made it sound fun..."likely that the pie is named after a famed 19th century circus animal called Shoofly the Boxing Mule"  Stay tuned for the verdict!

And this picture was just why not include it?! =)

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Permission??? Maybe blessing....

 I just edited  this post, I originally posted February 2020

To quote Millie (from the movie Miss Potter) 

"...If someone came along who loved me and whom I loved, I would trample my mother."


I figure that I'm going to be 35 soon, so I can say this.  Yes, I believe that I'm old enough to have my own mind on the subject.

I've been thinking...
...about how when I was younger it mattered (A LOT- maybe too much) to me that my brothers approved of and liked "My Guy".  Now, I DON'T CARE.

And...When I was younger, it mattered to me that my Dad liked "My Guy".   I COULDN'T CARE LESS now.

I realized that I only 'cared' about that last one because I was told that I needed to & had to (and it makes good sense for a younger young lady.).  I only 'cared' about the first one because I naively thought that "We Three" would someday be a "We Six"- so that made obvious sense to me.

Now that I'm a not-so-young lady, I only care what I think.  And what my Mother thinks.  If I like him, and my Mom does too, and gives her blessing- that is fine with me.  "My Guy" need not apply to any of the men in my family for 'permission' to marry me!  Hmmmm...I think that that should cut down on a LOT of drama!*  

No, I'm NOT intending any disrespect: No one knows me like my Mom, not one soul has my best interest at heart like she does, either. =)  And...I don't trust anyone like I do her.

 *Male "Drama Queens" are in my opinion, almost or may be - WORSE than the female versions

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Just because it "fits"...

...doesn't always mean it belongs...or at least doesn't belong forever.  Sometimes you can't bloom where you are planted because you truly have no space to.

For the most part I am thankful for where I was and everyone and everything that made me who I am today.  Even if I never understand...I am only human after all...

I'll confess grateful is not how I feel 100% of the time...but probably 99% of a month...that's not bad!

 I just found these pictures...a few years back, I placed a fresh laid chicken egg in a badly placed Cardinal nest....

Monday, July 01, 2024

Ass and Cart

The Ass ran away from the Cart. After years of kicking he was finally "free", and told everyone the Cart ran away from him.

The Flying Monkeys led the Ass back to the Cart, put the Ass BEHIND the Cart and told the Cart it was at fault, that it must have been a bad Cart, and it needed to get the act together and the show back on the road...
..never mind that THEY put the Ass behind the Cart, and never mind the fact that by running away the Ass told the Cart after ALL these years "of pretending to be equally yoked and pulling along nicely" he was done, he was content to kick the old Cart to pieces, and all The Flying Monkeys even held "How To" classes for the Ass: "I'm a Brand New Ass", "Cart pulling for Beginners", and "Cart Pulling 101", oh, and let's not forget: "How to Kick the Cart One More Time".  BUT they said, remember whatever you do NEVER ask forgiveness, NEVER confess what you did. 
And if you can't stand it any longer, you can slander & lie as much as you like- WE the good little church goers and Elders, Judge- ALL have your back, ALL rooted for you to evict your family, and leave them friend-less, penny-less, home-less and car-less!  WE the whole County LOVE the smell of blood, are relieved to run your family out of town on a rail.
(A "friend" or better know as a "frenemy" was chiding me in my last weeks: "How was I spending my time, etc...WHY that way???  Etc..."  My mind reply: Excuse me???  What business is it of yours? (I know you don't care), Besides- why should I pack?  I have no where to go, I did have 3 -2 week offers, but they expired, and I KNOW they did not really want me- they were just offered out of obligation.)
 (this was originally written August 2020...I just found it, and posted it)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Throwback to 2020

 LOL, I just found this cute bit from 6/29/20...unfortunately, it took a few minutes to realize that it was exactly 4 years ago today.

I was doing some "honey do" work for C this week, and while I was over there I saw Trinity's  Family was hanging low on her wall, and open to September. =)

I pretended that I did not know the people in the picture, and asked her who it was... BIG Grin: (uncle) PETER!!! -she yelled! and then I pointed to S... Mommy!

Cracked me up~ if 2 of your favorite people are on the same page, one SHOULD display that page any time of year! =D

I guess she's really old by now.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Chicken & Corn Waffles (recipe too) 

Cornbread v. Corn Chips.  Why not have Crunchy Corn Waffles???  These babies were just begging for a bowl of chili or soup!

Crunchy Cornmeal Waffles Recipe by King Arthur Flour  (HERE!)

Changes I made:

~ oil instead of butter

~2/3-1/3 parts Yogurt to Milk in place of the Buttermilk

~Organic Blue Corn Masa flour from 

~And I did not use the spices the recipe called for, because the chicken was quite flavorful, so I was afraid the meal would have too many flavors going on, and/or clash with each other!

NOTE....these Belgian Waffles cook 6 or more minutes- until no more steam comes off.

One other thought: Leftovers weren't so great- too dry. We popped them into the toaster, but still not so good.  I think that next time I'd try to not have leftovers, OR I'd toast the leftovers and break them up for a cold breakfast cereal!  =)

 For the Chicken:
After salt brining around 2# of Buffalo Wings (that's a cut),
pour off brine,
toss 2-3T Adrienne's Rub (or your favorite blend)
1cup water in pot
place the wings directly on the trivet in instant pot
high pressure 8-10 minutes, natural release 8-10 minutes

Have ready: a parchment paper covered sheet pan and the oven on high broil
(If you are making Crunchy Cornmeal Waffles with this dinner, start Waffles after pot comes to presser or during the release time....Belgian Waffles cook 6 or more minutes- until no more steam)

With tongs, carefully lift wings into bowl,
pour over about 1c butter sauce, carefully toss,
and place in a single layer, dividing out any remaining sauce if you like.

Broil, turn, broil.

EAT! (remember to dip your waffles in the butter/spice drippings!)

Our Butter Sauce:
about 1/2c butter, melted/browned is good
1/4ish cup ketchup
big squeeze mustard
2ish Tablespoons Adrienne's Rub

 Happy Eating!

Thursday, June 01, 2023

GOD is my Father

God is THE Father...all the fathers in the world are mere copies, and sadly- mostly bad ones.  If they claim to be Christians, learn of him, they should emulate him, - improve themselves and ask forgiveness WHEN (not if) they fail.

My picture (and I'm sure other folks have similar view) has always been turned around- because I knew my earthly father before I knew my Heavenly Father, I thought that He was altogether like him.  How wrong was my thinking!

                                                                          Our Heavenly Father is Trustworthy.  Kind.  Honest.

An earthly father is supposed to be a little picture or likeness or if you will, of our Heavenly Father.  Unforgettably, a lot of them fall short.  So short they give all fathers a bad name.

I NEVER wanted to "marry Daddy when I grow up" like other little girls.  And when I grew up, I knew I did not want to marry a man like him, either.

I'd like to marry a man more like God- Truthful, honest, caring for his family.

"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"   Numbers 23:19

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year, 2023!

Have you heard Joshua Radin's "Brand New Day"? I know it's an "older" song, but it is new to me, and I rather like it...  =) 

It's a brand new day
The sun is shining
It's a brand new day
For the first time in such a long long time
I know I'll be OK

Happy New Year, folks...I miss posting, and maybe I'll squeeze in a little more this year. =) 
"May your troubles be less
and your blessings more, 
And nothing but happiness 
come through your door!"
~Irish Blessing

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Giving back - part 1

 I've been volunteering in homeless shelter/rescue/halfway houses, and I thought that I'd share with you some of the things that would be greatly appreciated if you wished to donate- at any time of the year!

~ Pickles!  Pickles are fun, and they aid digestion.  It's one thing that everyone misses, and no one donates, because it's not a "staple". Just be sure to bring enough they can actually be served.

~ Salsa, hot sauces, BBQ sauce!  Just like in a home setting it jazzes up "boring" food...LOL!

~ Eggs, raw....  =)

~ Flavored Creamer, and Half & Half for coffee....comfort when you can't go home.

~ Home-baked treats.  Lots of places get donations from local grocery stores, but everyone goes crazy for home-baked!

~ Vitamins like: Vit. C & Magnesium 

~ Lotion!  Especially NEUTRAL scents that men & women can both enjoy. What sizes?  Large pumps for common areas as well as non-pumps in "smaller" more personal sizes.

~Lip balm (for guys and girls), small packs of Wipes, pocket Tissue packs.

~ Good or decent quality nail clippers, tweezers.

~ NAIL BRUSHES!  And buffers/files.

~ Hair Brushes & Picks & good combs.  (you know not just the "10-for-a-dollar" kind)

~ Dental floss.

~ Body wash-  I would say bar soap while most often donated is rarely used, because folks do not have a good place or way to keep bar soap. Again: especially NEUTRAL scents that men & women can both enjoy.

~ Under things. New/gently used, and in all sizes.  Don't  just bring piles of socks...ask the shelter what they need.  Also, consider something like an "Angel Tree"/adopt a sister or brother kind of thing: ask if anyone there (especially a female guest) what they need, and what size--you can make someone's month or even year!

~ Depend type products.  

~ Laundry soaps.  Guests who wash off-site like Powder or Pods. (stain removing products too)

~ Sewing kits.  Safety pins- especially LARGE sturdy quilting size.  (to easily take up clothes) 

~ Cross-body bags & backpacks in a variety of sizes.

~ Note pads & post-its.

~ Card games.  

~ Sometimes even a TV would be appreciated. (but you should ask first...)

~ Colored pencils and grown-up friendly coloring books are enjoyed too...  

Fall/Winter donations?

~ Warm coats for men and women...especially for the folks who walk to work. 

These were just a few thoughts...I hope it helps. 

"Giving thanks always for all things 
unto God and the Father 
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.." 
Ephesians 5:20

Friday, November 12, 2021

"God is my --" banner

I wrote these out on index cards, and colored the gold ones and Mom colored the white.  Then we strung them as a banner!  =)   Fun, easy project!